leaving chevron

post-65 retiree health benefits

for U.S.-payroll employees

This page provides an overview of what happens to your Chevron benefits as a post-65 employee, including your coverage choices, who you can cover and important deadlines. This information applies to you if you were eligible for health and welfare benefits while employed with Chevron, and assumes you are eligible for Chevron post-65 retiree health benefits after you leave Chevron. It also assumes your dependent(s) meet the definition of an eligible dependent.

This information is a basic overview of benefit information to help you start to understand choices and think about your decisions. It’s not intended to be a complete summary. You should consult the applicable benefit plan summary plan description (SPD) for further information prior to making enrollment decisions.

what are my post-employment health coverage choices?

If you are a Chevron employee who is eligible for Chevron post-65 retiree health benefits, you have three coverage options when you leave Chevron: 

  • Elect Chevron retiree health benefits when you leave Chevron.
  • Elect Chevron COBRA continuation coverage now. Return to Chevron retiree health benefits in the future, due to a subsequent enrollment milestone (if any).
  • Waive both COBRA coverage and Chevron retiree health benefits now. Return to Chevron retiree health benefits in the future, due to a subsequent enrollment milestone (if any). 

The decision is personal to you and your situation and is reliant upon a variety of factors. No one choice is right for everyone. As you consider your options, it's important that you learn about the enrollment, participation, and other coverage rules for Chevron retiree health benefits, Chevron COBRA coverage, and of course, the retiree benefit enrollment milestones. The overview information here will help you get you started, but you should also reference the Post-65 Retiree Health Benefits summary plan description to verify your decisions and review additional details or special situations that cannot be covered in this overview.

COBRA continuation coverage

COBRA continuation coverage allows eligible employees and their covered dependents to continue participation in company sponsored health care plans beyond the time when it would normally end, such as a termination of employment. When you leave Chevron, you have the choice to enroll in COBRA coverage, even though you are also eligible for Chevron retiree health benefits. We strongly recommend that, after learning about Chevron retiree health benefits and the enrollment milestones, you also review basic information how Chevron COBRA coverage works, who's eligible, what it costs, and the enrollment process. We've also provided some key considerations you'll want to review based on special situations, like leaving Chevron due to a qualifying severance, leaving Chevron as a post-65 employee, and more. Learn about COBRA coverage here.

post-65 retiree health benefits

Chevron’s retiree health benefit choices depend on if you or your eligible dependents are pre-65 (under age 65) or are post-65 (age 65 or over). Chevron retiree health benefits for post-65 eligible retirees and/or their post‑65 eligible dependents include the following components:
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individual health coverage
Access to individual medical, prescription drug, dental and vision coverage through a private health exchange managed by Via Benefits. The private exchange offers access to five types of plans – Medicare Advantage, Medicare Supplement (Medigap), Prescription Drug (Part D), dental and vision. Post-65 eligible participants must be enrolled in both Medicare Part A and Medicare Part B to enroll in plans offered in the private health exchange. 
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a reimbursement plan

Eligibility to participate in the Chevron Corporation Post-65 Retiree Health Reimbursement Arrangement Plan (Retiree HRA Plan). Your company contributions to retiree health coverage are deposited into the Retiree HRA Plan. Enrollment in at least individual medical coverage through the Via Benefits private health exchange for Chevron is required to participate in the Retiree HRA Plan. Each eligible post-65 participant will receive their own Retiree HRA Plan account.

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start medicare enrollment early
Post-65 eligible participants must be enrolled in both Medicare Part A and Medicare Part B to enroll in Chevron retiree health benefits. If you aren’t enrolled in Medicare Part A and Part B or don’t have your Medicare information, Via Benefits cannot complete your enrollment. Chevron is unable to affect or expedite the Medicare enrollment process for you. If this occurs, it’s possible you will experience a gap in health coverage, or you may miss the opportunity to participate in Chevron retiree health coverage until the next enrollment milestone, if any. 
Chevron partners with Via Benefits to provide post-65 eligible retirees and their post-65 eligible dependents with access to a private health exchange. A private exchange, like Via Benefits, enables you to shop for and enroll in individual Medicare plans.
Five types of plans 
The private exchange offers access to five types of plans – Medicare Advantage, Medicare Supplement (Medigap), Prescription Drug (Part D), dental and vision. You’re permitted to choose from any combination of medical, dental or vision coverage.
It's private
Via Benefits is separate from the public Health Insurance Marketplace. Private exchanges like this one are only open to select participant groups, such as Chevron’s post-65 eligible retirees and their post-65 eligible dependents.
How the health plans and their networks are chosen
This private exchange is managed by Via Benefits. Chevron does not choose the health plans offered through this exchange or the network providers who contract with the health plans.
Monthly cost will vary
The insurance carrier determines what coverage is provided and the monthly premium cost for each of your individual health plans. 
The insurance carrier calls the shots
The insurance carrier also determines the rules surrounding your eligibility for and participation in their plan – who is eligible for coverage, when coverage starts, when coverage ends, and when you can make coverage changes. You have to be a Chevron post-65 eligible retiree or a post-65 eligible dependent of a Chevron eligible retiree to be able to access the plans in the private exchange, but each individual insurance carrier will further determine your eligibility for that particular coverage. You’ll also communicate directly with the insurance carrier for all administrative matters such as claims for covered services, monthly premium payments, or ID cards. 
Both you and Chevron share the monthly cost of retiree medical coverage, if you’re eligible. The way the company contribution is applied to retiree medical coverage depends on age. Post‑65 eligible retirees and/or their post‑65 eligible dependents will receive the company contribution through the Retiree HRA Plan, a health reimbursement arrangement. 
HRA reimbursement benefit
This is a reimbursement plan so you’ll pay premiums for coverage directly to your insurance carriers and submit claims to Via Benefits for reimbursement from your Retiree HRA Plan account.The Retiree HRA Plan can be used to reimburse the monthly premiums for Medicare Part B or any of the individual medical plans offered to Chevron retirees through the private exchange. You can also use your Retiree HRA Plan account to pay for any other prescription drug, vision or dental plan premiums. Your Retiree HRA Plan account cannot be used to pay for other health expenses or pay the premiums for medical plans outside of the Via Benefit private health exchange offered to Chevron retirees.  
Your eligibility requirements
You must enroll in at least individual medical coverage through Via Benefits during one of the enrollment milestones to be eligible for the Retiree HRA Plan account. You must also be enrolled in both Medicare Part A and Medicare Part B to participate in the Retiree HRA Plan.
Dependent eligibility requirements
Your post-65 eligible dependents will receive the Retiree HRA Plan contribution as long as your dependent remains enrolled in at least individual medical coverage through Via Benefits. You, the retiree, must also be enrolled in at least individual medical coverage through Via Benefits for your post-65 dependents to be eligible for the Retiree HRA Plan. 
Your Retiree HRA ends if you drop medical coverage
Remember, if you drop your medical coverage through Via Benefits, you and your post-65 eligible dependents lose eligibility to receive the Retiree HRA Plan contribution and to use the Retiree HRA Plan account, unless you reach another enrollment milestone, if available, that permits you to start participating again.
Catastrophic supplemental prescription drug benefit included 
The Retiree HRA Plan also provides post-65 eligible retirees and their post-65 eligible dependents reimbursement for certain prescription drug costs that are paid out-of-pocket after a participant reaches the federal government’s expense threshold for Medicare Part D catastrophic coverage.

If you’re eligible, the company currently shares in the cost of your retiree medical and dental coverage

  • The amount of company contribution to retiree medical coverage is based on how many points you have when you leave the company and the point scale for which you are eligible.
  • Your points are the total of your age and your years of health and welfare eligibility service
  • Points do not change after you leave Chevron. 
  • The company contribution is different for pre-65 and post-65 participants.
  • The company contribution toward retiree dental coverage is a fixed amount that does not vary according to your points.
  • Retiree health plans generally cost more than employee plans because retirees’ health expenses are higher. This means that your premiums may be higher, and you’ll still need to pay for retiree coverage, even if you receive the maximum starting company contribution of 100%. 

Please note that Via Benefits or the HR Service center cannot provide information about your company contribution amount to the Retiree HRA Plan, if eligible, prior to leaving Chevron. 

For post-65 retiree health benefits
You can contact Via Benefits and/or create and update your personal profile on the Via Benefits website

  • Via Benefits will be able to advise you of the cost and coverage levels for the individual medical, prescription drug, dental and vision plans available in your area. 
  • Via Benefits can also provide information about how your coverage choices might be affected should you decide to participate in COBRA coverage upon retirement. 
  • However, Via Benefits will not have your monthly company contribution amount to the Retiree HRA Plan until after you leave Chevron.

For pre-65 retiree health benefits
Pre-65 plan choices and costs can be accessed on the BenefitConnect website or by calling the HR Service Center. You can preview this information prior to leaving Chevron, if desired, just don't checkout or submit your event at the end if you are not ready to finalize your choices.

Health benefits 
If both you and your eligible spouse or domestic partner are an eligible, active employee or an eligible retiree you may have options regarding your health coverage enrollment:

  • Each of you can enroll for your own separate Chevron health coverage as an individual. 
  • One of you can cover the other as a dependent.
  • If one person is still a Chevron active employee, you have the option to continue to cover the Chevron retiree as a dependent on the Chevron active employee group health coverage, regardless of age.
  • Only one of you can enroll any eligible children for coverage.

Retiree HRA Plan
If you and your spouse are both post-65 Chevron eligible retirees, each separate Retiree HRA Plan account will be based on whether you were listed as a dependent or the primary retiree when you enroll with Via Benefits.

  • If you were listed as a dependent, you will receive the same company contribution amount to your Retiree HRA Plan account as the primary retiree
  • If you were not listed as a dependent - for example, you have Chevron coverage separate from your spouse - you will receive the company contribution you are eligible for as an eligible retiree to your Retiree HRA Plan account. 

Pre-65 coverage
If you or a dependent are pre-65 and reside outside of the U.S., you can enroll in the Medical PPO, HDHP or HDHP Basic. Out-of-network coverage rules will apply; call the claims administrator for more information about how your coverage works outside of the U.S. Eligibility and coverage for these plans ends when the participants turns age 65, even if you're already residing outside the U.S. 
Post-65 coverage
If you or a dependent are post-65 and reside outside of the U.S.:

  • You generally cannot receive Medicare benefits. 
  • Via Benefits does not offer health coverage options outside the U.S.
  • To enroll in post-65 health coverage through Via Benefits and the Retiree HRA Plan, you must have a permanent U.S. address. 

For these reasons, if you reside outside the U.S., you are not eligible to enroll in Chevron retiree health benefits.
If you are post-65 and a U.S. citizen living in a U.S. territory (such as Puerto Rico), please review the Post-65 Retiree Health Benefits summary plan description for further information.
If you move back to the United States in the future, it is your responsibility to contact the HR Service Center to update your address within 31 days of your move. You should also take action to enroll in Medicare Part A and Medicare Part B, if you have not already done so. Returning to the U.S. is not an enrollment milestone, however you are eligible for Chevron retiree health coverage if you timely enroll during a subsequent enrollment milestone (if any). 

covering your dependents

To cover your dependent(s) in Chevron retiree health benefits you and your dependents must meet all the eligibility and participation requirements, which include (but are not limited to) the following:

  • Your dependent meets the definition of an eligible spouse, domestic partner or child for Chevron health plans.
  • You timely enroll your eligible dependent in retiree health coverage according to the requirements of the applicable enrollment milestone.
  • If you enroll a new dependent, you satisfy the requirements of the dependent verification process, when applicable.
  • Your dependent’s participation is tied to your participation. This means that you, the post-65 retiree, must be enrolled in at least medical coverage through Via Benefits private health exchange for Chevron. If you stop participating in applicable Chevron retiree health benefits, your dependents' coverage will also automatically end.

The age of your eligible dependent will dictate the retiree health benefits in which they can participate, if eligibility requirements are met:

  • Pre-65 eligible dependents can participate in Chevron’s pre-65 retiree group health plans.
  • Post-65 eligible dependents can participate in Chevron's post-65 health benefits (described on this page) which include individual health coverage in the private health exchange and the Retiree HRA Plan. Enrollment in Medicare Part A and Medicare Part B is required to participate in post-65 retiree health benefits.

If there are both post-65 and pre-65 eligible participants in your family, pre-65 participants will participate in Chevron group health coverage and post-65 participants will participate in individual health coverage through Via Benefits and the Retiree HRA Plan.

Your opportunities to add dependents to Chevron retiree health coverage are limited

  • Be sure to review each applicable enrollment milestone carefully to ensure you understand the unique dependent enrollment rules of each before you make an enrollment decision.
  • It's important to understand the enrollment milestones follow the retiree, not the dependent. For example, you cannot add a dependent to Chevron retiree health benefits if the dependent, separately enrolled, loses other employer group health coverage. The milestones, including Loss of other employer group health coverage is only triggered when the milestone happens to you, the retiree.
As a post-65 retiree, you can continue to cover eligible dependents that are already currently enrolled in Chevron retiree health benefits. However be aware that if you decide to discontinue Chevron retiree health benefits for your enrolled dependents', you will not be able to re-enroll a dependent previously dropped from coverage, regardless of their age.

enrollment milestones

All benefits-eligible retirees must enroll in Chevron retiree health benefits upon reaching certain enrollment milestones. If you miss these select opportunities to enroll, you and your eligible dependents must wait until the next applicable enrollment milestone, if any, to return to Chevron retiree health benefits in the future.

The basic enrollment milestones are as follows:

  • When you retire from Chevron.
  • At the loss of Chevron COBRA coverage (including Chevron subsidized COBRA).
  • When you lose Chevron or other employer group health coverage. 
  • There is also a milestone, When you turn age 65 and become Medicare eligible, but as a post-65 employee, this milestone will likely not apply to you.

Please note that open enrollment is not an enrollment milestone. This means if you, the retiree, are not currently participating in the health benefits offered to Chevron eligible retirees, you cannot enroll for coverage during open enrollment. You must wait until you meet the next applicable enrollment milestone – if any – to start participating in Chevron retiree health benefits. 

You must also enroll your eligible dependents to Chevron retiree health benefits according to the rules described for each of the enrollment milestones. If you don’t add eligible dependents when you enroll at these milestones, your ability to add dependents at a later date depends on your age and the age of your dependent. In addition, it’s always your choice to drop eligible dependents from health benefits offered to Chevron retirees, but your ability to add your eligible dependents to retiree health benefits again at a later date also depends on your age and the age of your dependent.

To assist with your decision-making process, here's an overview of the enrollment milestones that would most likely apply to you as an eligible post-65 employee who is eligible for Chevron retiree health benefits when you leave Chevron. The information provided here is intended to help you get started understanding the enrollment milestones that apply to you. You should also read the full enrollment milestone descriptions prior to making final enrollment decisions to ensure you understand the complete rules and requirements. Choose from one of the scenario tabs above to get started.

Leaving or your retirement from Chevron is an enrollment milestone for retiree health benefits.

Milestone highlights and considerations

  • You and any post-65 dependents must be enrolled in Medicare Part A and Part B to enroll in individual health coverage through Via Benefits and to activate the Retiree HRA Plan.
  • You’ll start coverage in a new plan for post-65 eligible retirees, so you will have to start over and meet a new deductible (if applicable) under your new plan.
  • This is one of the few enrollment milestones that allows you to enroll a dependent(s) in retiree health coverage. As a post-65 retiree, your opportunities to add a dependent to coverage in the future is very limited. 

Dependent enrollment requirements at this milestone

  • You can add eligible pre-65 and/or post-65 dependents to Chevron retiree health benefits at this milestone.
  • You can add eligible dependents even if they are not currently covered under your Chevron employee health plans. You may be required to complete the dependent verification process if you enroll new dependent(s).
  • You, the post-65 retiree, must be enrolled in at least medical coverage through the Via Benefits private health exchange for Chevron for your dependents to be eligible to enroll in Chevron retiree health benefits.

Enrollment highlights
More detailed enrollment instructions are provided here, but keep the following in mind:

  • Coverage is not automatic. You must act to enroll yourself and any dependents, if desired.
  • You must enroll pre-65 dependents within 31 days of your termination date; you can also pre-enroll pre-65 dependents before you leave Chevron. See the pre-65 page for more information.
  • You typically need to start enrollment in Medicare Part A and Medicare Part B at least four months in advance of your termination date. If you aren’t enrolled in Medicare Part A and Part B or don’t have the information, Via Benefits cannot complete your enrollment. Chevron is unable to expedite the Medicare enrollment process.
  • Contact Via Benefits in advance of your termination date to understand and begin the enrollment process. Failure to timely enroll through Via Benefits could result in a gap in coverage and/or you may lose the opportunity to participate in Chevron retiree health benefits until the next enrollment milestone, if any.
  • You'll need to activate your Retiree HRA Plan after you leave Chevron, within 31 days of your termination date, by contacting the HR Service Center. As a reminder, you must enroll in at least medical coverage through Via benefits to participate in the Retiree HRA Plan. Your enrollment with Via Benefits must be finalized within 60 days of the date COBRA coverage ends to remain eligible for the Retiree HRA.

What if I die?
Under current plan rules, Chevron generally provides access to survivor health benefits for your eligible dependent(s) if, on the date of your death:

  • You’re enrolled in Chevron retiree health benefits and your dependents are also enrolled in Chevron retiree health benefits. Your surviving dependents have within 60 days of the date of your death to report the event to the HR Service Center to be eligible to participate in Chevron survivor health benefits.
  • If your dependents are not enrolled in Chevron retiree health benefits on the date of your death, they lose all eligibility for Chevron survivor health benefits.
  • If your dependents do not timely enroll in Chevron survivor health benefits, they lose all eligibility for this coverage.

Key decision questions to ask yourself

  • Are you already enrolled in Medicare or will you be enrolled by the date you leave Chevron?
  • Are any post-65 dependents already enrolled in Medicare or will they be enrolled by the date you leave Chevron?
  • If you or a dependent are not already enrolled in Medicare, is there enough time to complete the approximately four-month process before the date you leave Chevron?
  • If there's not enough time to complete Medicare enrollment, is there another enrollment milestone available to you - such as loss of Chevron COBRA coverage - that you can use until Medicare enrollment is completed?

The loss of Chevron COBRA coverage, including subsidized COBRA coverage, is an enrollment milestone for retiree health benefits.

Milestone highlights and considerations

  • As a post‑65 eligible retiree, you can enroll when Chevron COBRA ends for any reason, including the end of Chevron subsidized COBRA (if applicable), the end of your full Chevron COBRA eligibility period, or at any time in between. 
  • You and any post-65 dependents must be enrolled in Medicare Part A and Part B to enroll in individual health coverage through Via Benefits and to activate the Retiree HRA Plan.
  • You’ll start coverage in a new plan for post-65 eligible retirees, so you will have to start over and meet a new deductible (if applicable) under your new plan. 
  • If you choose to participate in COBRA continuation coverage prior to starting Chevron retiree health benefits, be sure to contact Via Benefits to ensure that decision won't affect your post-65 coverage options when you decide to enroll after COBRA ends.

Dependent enrollment requirements at this milestone

  • You can add eligible pre-65 and/or post-65 dependents to Chevron retiree health benefits at this milestone; however your dependents must also be covered under Chevron COBRA coverage to be eligible. As a reminder, post-65 dependents must be enrolled in Medicare Part A and Part B to enroll in individual health coverage through Via Benefits and to activate the Retiree HRA Plan.
  • You, the post-65 retiree, must be enrolled in at least medical coverage through the Via Benefits private health exchange for Chevron for your dependents to be eligible to enroll in Chevron retiree health benefits. 

Participants who are age 65 at the time of COBRA enrollment ...

If a participant is already age 65 at the time of COBRA enrollment, the participant is permitted to enroll in COBRA coverage for the full eligibility period. However, if an enrolled COBRA participant is eligible for Medicare, Medicare will be the primary payer of your medical claims*. Your Chevron medical COBRA coverage will be secondary. As the secondary payer, your Chevron medical plan will subtract the amount that Medicare Part A and Part B should pay toward your services before paying your medical claims. Your claims are paid in this manner even if you choose to not enroll in Medicare while you're enrolled in COBRA coverage.

* Your Chevron medical COBRA coverage pays primary in the event you have Medicare due to End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD). 

Enrollment highlights
More detailed enrollment instructions are provided here, but keep the following in mind:

  • Coverage is not automatic. If you encounter this enrollment milestone, you must act to enroll yourself and any eligible dependents in retiree health coverage, if desired. You will not be notified or reminded when an enrollment milestone occurs.
  • You must enroll pre-65 dependents within 31 days of the loss of Chevron COBRA coverage by contacting the HR Service Center. (This event cannot be initiated online).
  • You typically need to start enrollment in Medicare Part A and Medicare Part B at least four months in advance of the date COBRA coverage ends. If you aren’t enrolled in Medicare Part A and Part B or don’t have the information, Via Benefits cannot complete your enrollment. Chevron is unable to expedite the Medicare enrollment process.
  • Contact Via Benefits in advance of your COBRA coverage ending to understand and begin the enrollment process for post-65 participants. Failure to timely enroll through Via Benefits could result in a gap in coverage.
  • You'll need to activate your Retiree HRA Plan within 31 days of when COBRA coverage ends by contacting the HR Service Center. As a reminder, you must enroll in at least medical coverage through Via benefits to participate in the Retiree HRA Plan. Your enrollment with Via Benefits must be finalized within 60 days of the date COBRA coverage ends to remain eligible for the Retiree HRA.

What if I die?
Under current plan rules, Chevron generally provides access to survivor health benefits for your eligible dependent(s) if, on the date of your death: 

  • You’re enrolled in Chevron COBRA or Chevron subsidized COBRA and your dependents are also enrolled in this same coverage. Your surviving dependents have within 60 days of the date of your death to report the event to the HR Service Center to be eligible to participate in Chevron survivor health benefits. Learn more about this situation in the COBRA section.

Key decision questions to ask yourself

  • Are you enrolled in Chevron medical, dental and other health plans as an employee? If not, you will not be eligible for Chevron COBRA coverage and this milestone will not be available to you.
  • Are your dependent(s) currently enrolled in Chevron medical, dental and other health plans? If not, they cannot be enrolled in Chevron COBRA coverage and therefore would not be eligible to enroll in Chevron retiree health benefits under this milestone.

The loss of Chevron or other employer group health plan coverage is an enrollment milestone for retiree health benefits.

What's an employer group health plan?
An employer group health plan is defined as an employee health benefit plan established or maintained by an employer or by an employee organization (such as a union), or both, that provides medical care for participants or their dependents directly or through insurance, reimbursement, or otherwise. Retiree health insurance and COBRA continuation coverage from a former employer or union, are not considered coverage based on current employment and therefore do not qualify as an employer group health plan for purposes of Chevron’s retiree health benefits and the enrollment milestones.

Milestone highlights and considerations

  • This milestone occurs when you — the Chevron eligible retiree — are covered (whether as a primary or as a dependent) under Chevron or another employer’s group health coverage and you lose that coverage — regardless of your age. 
  • You will be asked to provide proof of loss of employer group health coverage for you and any eligible dependents. 
  • You and any post-65 dependents must be enrolled in Medicare Part A and Part B to enroll in individual health coverage through Via Benefits and to activate the Retiree HRA Plan.
  • You’ll start coverage in a new plan for post-65 eligible retirees, so you will have to start over and meet a new deductible (if applicable) under your new plan. 

Dependent enrollment requirements at this milestone

  • You can add eligible pre-65 and/or post-65 dependents to Chevron retiree health benefits at this milestone as long as they are also losing the same employer group health coverage.
  • You, the post-65 retiree, must be enrolled in at least medical coverage through the Via Benefits private health exchange for Chevron for your dependents to be eligible to enroll in Chevron retiree health benefits. 

Medicare Special Enrollment Period (SEP)
The loss of Chevron or other employer group health plan must be a qualifying event that triggers a Medicare Special Enrollment Period (SEP). A SEP must be triggered in order for you to enroll in Chevron post-65 retiree health coverage. Contact Medicare directly or go to www.medicare.gov to learn more about Medicare SEPs and the kinds of qualifying events that trigger a Medicare SEP.

Enrollment highlights
More detailed enrollment instructions are provided here, but keep the following in mind:

  • Coverage is not automatic. If you encounter this enrollment milestone, you must act to enroll yourself and any eligible dependents in retiree health coverage, if desired. You will not be notified or reminded when an enrollment milestone occurs.
  • You must enroll pre-65 dependents within 31 days of the loss of other employer group health coverage by contacting the HR Service Center. (This event cannot be initiated online).
  • You typically need to start enrollment in Medicare Part A and Medicare Part B at least four months in advance of the loss of other employer group health coverage. If you aren’t enrolled in Medicare Part A and Part B or don’t have the information, Via Benefits cannot complete your enrollment. Chevron is unable to expedite the Medicare enrollment process.
  • Contact Via Benefits in advance of your other employer group health coverage ending (if possible) to understand and begin the enrollment process. Failure to timely enroll through Via Benefits could result in a gap in coverage.
  • You'll need to activate your Retiree HRA Plan within 31 days of when other employer group health coverage ends. As a reminder, you must enroll in at least medical coverage through Via benefits to participate in the Retiree HRA Plan. Your enrollment with Via Benefits must be finalized within 60 days of the date COBRA coverage ends to remain eligible for the Retiree HRA.

What if I die?
Under current plan rules, Chevron generally provides access to survivor health benefits for your eligible dependent(s) if, on the date of your death: 

  • You’re enrolled under another employer’s group health plan and your dependents are also enrolled in this same coverage. Your surviving dependents have within 31 days of the date of your death to report the event to the HR Service Center to be eligible to participate in Chevron survivor health benefits.
  • COBRA or retiree health insurance from a former employer or union is not considered an employer group health plan
  • If your dependents are not enrolled the same employer group health coverage as you on the date of your death, they lose all eligibility for Chevron survivor health benefits.
  • If your dependents do not timely enroll in Chevron survivor health benefits, they lose all eligibility for this coverage.

Key decision questions to ask yourself

  • Is your other health coverage a retiree health plan or COBRA coverage through a former employer or your spouse's employer? If so, these are not considered employer group health coverage and this milestone will not be available to you.
  • Are your dependent(s) enrolled in the other employer group health coverage? If not, they cannot enroll in Chevron retiree health benefits during this milestone.
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start your benefits

Are you ready to initiate your post-employment benefits? Get started here.

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get benefit numbers

Here's how to preview personalized benefit estimates (pension, retiree medical, severance, etc) and information you'll want to refer to during the decision-making process.

icon: sitting at a desk and working on a laptop with hot coffee

manage personal info

There are some important tasks you'll want to complete right away, before you lose access to the Chevron intranet network and your Chevron email. Get started here.

icon: box with headset, apple, flower
leaving chevron late in the year?

If you're leaving Chevron October through December, here are open enrollment, health benefit elections and other considerations you should know as you are planning your post-employment benefit decisions:


via benefits

COBRA continuation coverage

  • Plan Type  Continuation coverage for health plans
  • Eligibility  U.S. Payroll Employees
  • Enrollment  Call BenefitConnect|COBRA or access their website
  • Claims Administrator  BenefitConnect|COBRA 
  • Phone (Inside U.S.) 1-877-292-6272 
  • Phone (Outside U.S.) 1-858-314-5108
  • Website  https://cobra.ehr.com
  • Claim Form  BenefitConnect|COBRA only manages eligibility, enrollment and monthly premium payments for COBRA coverage. If you need help with a claim for health services or questions about what the health plan covers or does not cover, contact your health plan claims administrator directly.
  • Address  BenefitConnect COBRA | Dept:COBRA | PO Box 981915 | El Paso, TX 79998

employee investment savings plan (ESIP)

  • Plan Type  Defined contribution 401(k) plan
  • Eligibility  U.S. Payroll Employees
  • Enrollment  Enroll with Fidelity
  • Recordkeeper  Fidelity
  • Phone Call the HR Service Center, choose Manage Benefits, then ESIP from the menu
  • Website  Fidelity NetBenefits
  • Mobile App   Fidelity NetBenefits from Apple App Store or Google Play
  • Beneficiary Designations   Get started here

chevron retirement plan (CRP)

This contact information applies to the CRP for eligible employees hired both before and after January 1, 2008. 

  • Plan Type  Defined benefit (pension) plan
  • Eligibility  U.S. Payroll Employees
  • Enrollment  Coverage automatic, if eligible. View coverage on BenefitConnect or call the HR Service Center
  • Administrator  The HR Service Center administers this plan
  • Phone Call the HR Service Center, choose Manage Benefits, then Pension Benefits from the menu
  • Website  BenefitConnect (Estimates, benefit modeling, to start receiving your benefit)
  • Mobile App   N/A
  • Beneficiary Designations   Get started here
  • Email  Submit a secure message from the Message Center on BenefitConnect
  • Address  Use the pension mailing address for the HR Service Center 

This communication provides only certain highlights about benefit provisions. It is not intended to be a complete explanation. If there are any discrepancies between this communication and the legal plan documents, the legal plan documents will prevail to the extent permitted by law. Oral statements about plan benefits are not binding on Chevron or the applicable plan. Chevron Corporation reserves all rights, for any reason and at any time, to amend, change or terminate these plans or to change or eliminate the company contribution toward the cost of such plans. Such amendments, changes, terminations or eliminations may be applicable without regard to whether someone previously terminated employment with Chevron or previously was subject to a grandfathering provision. Unless required by applicable law, there are no vested rights with respect to any Chevron health and welfare plan benefit or to any company contributions towards the cost of such health and welfare plan benefits. Some benefit plans and policies described in this document may be subject to collective bargaining and, therefore, may not apply to union-represented employees.