leaving chevron

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things to do before you lose access to the chevron network

for U.S.-payroll employees

There are some important tasks you'll want to complete right away, before you lose access to the Chevron intranet network and your Chevron email. Take a little time today to work down this checklist.
Your personal email as entered in Workday will be used to deliver the Settlement Agreement and 
General Release, a requirement to receive your severance pay. Take a moment now to verify and 
update this critical piece of information in Workday. How to update personal email.

If you were awarded R&A points during your employment, be sure to redeem all outstanding points.

  • If you do not redeem your points before employment ends, you will receive a cash payout of your final 
  • This payout will be made consistent with the payroll preferences you had on file in Workday as an active employee.
Do this now.

As an employee with access to the Chevron intranet network you are currently able to use the convenient automatic login for the benefit websites listed below. However, automatic login is not available when you leave the Chevron network. 

Take some time now to make sure you know your login information or reset your password for these websites; it’s likely you’ll need access to them prior to and after you leave the Chevron network. To get started, access each of the links below.



Fidelity NetBenefits

  • Fidelity | Choose login with password to test your account access. 

  • If you don’t remember your password, see the Forgot login instructions.


  • WebMD | Choose employees (from home) to test your account access and/or create an account to login.

  • This is a good time to download any of the personal information you might want to save. 

  • Note that you will only need access to this website after you leave Chevron if you are eligible for and choose COBRA coverage for the Healthy You Program. 

  • If you don’t remember your password, see the Forgot Password instructions.

When you leave Chevron, your final paycheck is handled consistent with your current payment method while an active employee:

  • Via direct deposit to the bank of record.
  • By physical check to the permanent or mailing address on record in Chevron’s HR system.

When you terminate or retire, your active employee direct deposit enrollment (if applicable) remains in place. Other post-employment payments - such as severance or a prorated CIP payment - will be sent to the same bank account as when you were an active employee.

  • If you want to continue to receive payments by direct deposit at the same bank account as when you were an active employee, no action is required

  • If you did not have direct deposit when you were an active employee, action is required to complete form F-2R. See instructions below.*

  • If you want to make a change to your direct deposit information any time after your employment ends, action is required to complete form F-2R. See instructions below.*

*How to Complete Form F-2R

Complete the following steps, after your termination of employment date:

If you need to adjust federal or state tax withholding, you'll need to have access to the U.S. HR website on the intranet. If you no longer have Chevron intranet access, please contact Payroll Operations directly at USPayrollExternal@chevron.com

If you have elected electronic distribution for some of your Chevron pay and benefits materials, be sure to update your communication preferences prior to leaving Chevron. 

Payslip and W-2 Year-End Statement

  • Change your delivery method to send a paper copy to your mailing address.
  • Go to Workday to get started (Chevron intranet only).
  • If you no longer have Chevron intranet access, please contact Payroll Operations directly at USPayrollExternal@chevron.com

Benefit communications

  • You can continue to receive health, welfare and pension benefit materials electronically, but be sure to use a personal email account - not your Chevron email.
  • Go to BenefitConnect > I need to ... tab in the top navigation > Personal Information column > Communication preference
  • You can also call the HR Service Center for assistance.

It's important to keep Chevron up-to-date should your address change. 

You're strongly encouraged to download/print a recent copy of the following records you may need to keep for upcoming tax and other financial needs:


  • Prior to April 2024: Go to SAP HR > Historical Payslips.*
  • After April 2024: Go to Workday > Quick Tasks > My Payslips

Federal Tax Withholding

  • For tax years 2023 and earlier: Go to SAP HR > Historical Year-end Tax Documents.*
  • For tax years 2024 and later: Go to Workday > Pay > My Tax Documents. Available to download when the tax year is complete.

Health Form 1095 

  • Information about Form 1095, including how to access your online form is available here.


* If you have not accessed SAP HR in the past 90 days, your access has been suspended to comply with Chevron access control policies. To reinstate your access, open an SAP Support Service Request and choose the options shown below in bold for each required field:

  • Type of support needed: SAP functional - Payroll/Time
  • Continue Selection: SAP - HR - Historical Payslips and Year-End Tax Documents
  • Environment/s: PCH HR Payroll

If you have benefits that are payable should you die, it's critical to ensure your beneficiary elections are up-to-date prior to leaving Chevron. And if anything changes after you have left Chevron, be sure to return here to update the designations for your plan in the future, also.

Download your giving summary

Remember to download your giving summary from the Humankind website before you lose Chevron intranet access. In some situations, this summary may not be available after you leave Chevron.

How to participate in Humankind as a retiree

If desired, you may continue to participate in Chevron's Humankind program after you leave Chevron if you're eligible for Chevron retiree health benefits. To continue participation, you must access your User ID from the Chevron intranet, before you leave Chevron. Get instructions.

How do I know if I'm eligible for retiree health benefits?

You can verify your eligibility for Chevron retiree health benefits on the BenefitConnect website. After you login, go to I need to… on the top navigation, then choose Retiree medical eligibility.

If you are eligible for Chevron retiree health benefits, you will continue to qualify for the employee fuel discount when you leave Chevron. If you are not eligible for Chevron retiree health benefits, you will not receive the employee fuel discount after your last day on payroll, but your Chevron Techron Advantage Card remains active. Chevron Card Operations employees will verify eligibility status when processing. 

If you don't currently have a Chevron Techron Advantage Card, use this application to apply, if desired: Chevron and Texaco Fuel Discount Application

Please note, this card application and card information is provided for your convenience. Card Services manages the fuel discount program; Chevron U.S. Benefits and/or Human Resources does not manage the program and is unable to provide assistance regarding the application process or your fuel discount eligibility.

How do I know if I'm eligible for retiree health benefits?

You can verify your eligibility for Chevron retiree health benefits on the BenefitConnect website. After you login, go to I need to… on the top navigation, then choose Retiree medical eligibility.

Consider joining a chapter of the Chevron Retiree Association (CRA). The CRA has almost 70 chapters throughout the U.S. and Canada. Learn more about the CRA on their website at www.chevronretirees.org.