leaving chevron
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Here's how to preview personalized benefit estimates (pension, retiree medical, severance, etc) and information you'll want to refer to during the decision-making process.
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milestones & checklists
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more planning resources
- Working vs. Retiring Considerations (intranet)
- Alternative Work Options (intranet)
- Emotional Preparation for Retirement (intranet)
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) (intranet)
explore benefit choices
Some of the decisions you'll need to make are affected by whether or not you are eligible for Chevron retiree health benefits. If you don't know if you have enough age and service to meet retiree health eligibility requirements, you should follow the instructions below to view your personalized information. Understanding your retiree health eligibility status will help you understand what happens to your benefits when you leave Chevron.
How to review your retiree health eligibility status
To see if you're eligible, verify your points, and your get your percent of company contribution:
- Login to the BenefitConnect website
- Go to I need to… on the top navigation
- Choose Retiree medical eligibility
active employee health and protection
benefits and other programs
- If you are eligible for retiree health benefits, review the Good to Know document to understand what happens to your employee health and protection benefits when you leave Chevron.
- If you are not eligible for retiree health benefits, review the Good to Know document to understand what happens to your employee health and protection benefits when you leave Chevron.
- If you are enrolled in active employee Chevron health benefits, review the COBRA continuation coverage page to understand how COBRA works, cost of coverage, and enrollment process and deadlines.
- Learn about vacation payout eligibility.
- CIP payout eligibility.
- Executive retirement resources.
- Humankind for retirees.
- Contact the HR Service Center if you have health and protection benefit questions. Choose the Enroll or Manage Benefits option from the U.S.-payroll employee phone menu.
pension benefit
- The Good to Know document discusses important information about decisions you need to make regarding your Chevron pension benefit, if eligible.
- How CIP and salary affect pension.
- Retirement Restoration Plan.
- Access your pension benefit estimate on BenefitConnect.
- Contact the HR Service Center if you have pension questions. Choose the Enroll or Manage Benefits option from the U.S.-payroll employee phone menu.
employee savings investment plan (ESIP) benefit
- If you have an ESIP account, you will receive a final distribution package from Fidelity separately. The ESIP package will describe the choices you have and actions you may need to take when you leave the company.
- Learn about tax implications if you have company stock in your ESIP in the brochure, When you take your Chevron stock.
- You can learn more about your ESIP on the savings plan section of this website, or call Fidelity if you have questions.
- Fidelity guidance & advice resources.
- ESIP Restoration Plan information.
- Access your Fidelity NetBenefits account.
If you’re eligible for Chevron retiree health coverage, you'll also be offered the opportunity to enroll in COBRA coverage. However, be sure to review important information about Chevron retiree coverage before you make a COBRA enrollment decision.
Get started here to learn about COBRA continuation coverage, including how it works, cost of coverage, and enrollment process and deadlines.
- Learn about your benefits if you are an employee under age 65 (pre-65).
- Learn about your benefits if you are an employee age 65 or over (post-65).
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talk to experts
- Financial advice and guidance with Fidelity
- COBRA Questions
- HR Service Center (Choose Enroll or Manage Benefits from phone menu)
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There are some important tasks you'll want to complete right away, before you lose access to the Chevron intranet network and your Chevron email. Get started here.
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If you're leaving Chevron October through December, here are open enrollment, health benefit elections and other considerations you should know as you are planning your post-employment benefit decisions:
plan documentation
Here's where to get phone numbers and websites for all your benefits.
Looking for employment verification?