information for U.S.-payroll employees
leaving chevron
This website is your source for information, resources and key milestones related to leaving Chevron. You can access this resource from anywhere – at work or at home. While most of the information provided here will be available to you after you leave Chevron, there are certain information and tasks you can only complete while connected to the Chevron network. For this reason, you're encouraged to review the information and resources available here prior to losing your Chevron network access. To get started, choose the situation below that applies to:
If you're leaving the company due to a new job, retirement or for other voluntary reasons, start here.
If you're leaving the company as a result of a selection event, start here to learn about severance benefits, what you need to do, and important milestones to watch.
plan documentation
Here's where to get phone numbers and websites for all your benefits.
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