wellness programs contacts
plan information
rewards for health
Take care of your health and improve your health habits as you earn points towards health rewards. Health rewards are Chevron’s way of recognizing your personal commitment to get and stay healthy when you participate in wellness activities. Learn more.
healthy you contacts
healthy you - general
For a general question about or assistance with the Healthy You program, contact WebMD customer service.
- Plan Type Wellness program
- Eligibility U.S. Payroll Employees
- Enrollment Coverage automatic, if eligible. To participate, register an online Healthy You account with WebMD.
- Administrator WebMD
- Phone (Inside U.S.) 1-888-321-1544
- Phone (Outside U.S.) 925-842-8346
- Website (Program Info) hr2.chevron.com/healthyyou │ Healthy You for Expatriates in the U.S.
- Website (Personal Account) Healthy You account with WebMD
- Mobile App WebMD Wellness At Your Side app from Apple App Store or Google Play
- Email heart@chevron.com
- Share a success story If you want to share a personal success story, email heart@chevron.com.
healthy you -technical assistance
If you have a technical issue with the WebMD website or their online tools, contact WebMD customer service.
- Phone (Inside U.S.) 1-888-321-1544
- Phone (Outside U.S.) 925-842-8346
- Email webmdhealthmanagersupport@webmd.net
healthy you - health coaching
You can connect with a WebMD health coach by phone or through secure messaging available online through the WebMD Healthy You website or the Wellness At Your Side mobile app.
Schedule or reschedule an appointment*
- Phone (Inside U.S.) 1-888-321-1544
- Phone (Outside U.S.) 925-842-8346
- Automated Scheduler Log in to your Healthy You account, choose Coaching from the top right corner navigation.
- Mobile App Login to your WebMD Wellness At Your Side app.
Connect with your coach*
- Phone (Inside U.S.) 1-888-321-1544
- Phone (Outside U.S.) 925-842-8346
- Secure Message Online Log in to your Healthy You account, look for a Coach Connect button (if you completed the HQ) or choose Coaching from the top right corner navigation. Coaches will typically respond to your message within 24 hours.
- Secure Message Mobile App Login to your WebMD Wellness At Your Side app. Coaches will typically respond to your message within 24 hours.
By phone, the number of times a coach will call you will be determined by your health status; you can call a coach as often as you would like. Coaching calls generate from Indiana.
*Note for U.S.-payroll expatriates
Online health coach scheduling is not available. To schedule an appointment, please call WebMD directly. In addition, WebMD health coaches cannot make outbound international calls, even if you have a scheduled appointment time. For this reason, U.S.-payroll expatriate employees need to call WebMD at your scheduled time to initiate your personal coaching sessions.
Coaching business hours
- Monday through Thursday 6 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Pacific (8 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. Central)
- Friday 6 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Pacific (8 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. Central)
- Saturday 6:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Pacific (8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Central)
- Sunday 10 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Pacific (noon to 10:30 p.m. Central)
healthy you - tobacco free
To schedule a tobacco cessation WebMD Health Coaching appointment and use the Tobacco Free tools and resources offered by Healthy You, contact WebMD customer service.
- Phone (Inside U.S.) 1-888-321-1544
- Phone (Outside U.S.) 925-842-8346
- Email wellness@chevron.com
all other wellness contacts
health rewards and the wellness credit
- Plan Type Wellness program
- Eligibility U.S. Payroll Employees
- Enrollment Coverage automatic, if eligible. To participate and qualify for a Wellness Credit, register an online WebMD account and start participating in qualifying activities.
- Administrators
- WebMD manages the online tool to record and track your points.
- The Chevron HR Service Center displays your eligibility status for the Wellness Credit and applies the premium reduction to your medical coverage.
- Plan Information and Rules Health Rewards section on hr2.chevron.com
- Manage Points and Activity Completion Log in to your WebMD Healthy You account, go to Rewards.
- Verify Wellness Credit Received Log in to your BenefitConnect account, go to View My Coverage.
- Verify Your Number of Points by Phone Call WebMD at 1-888-321-1544 (925-842-8346 outside the U.S.)
- Email for General Questions wellness@chevron.com
COBRA continuation coverage
- Plan Type Continuation coverage for health plans
- Eligibility U.S. Payroll Employees
- Enrollment Call BenefitConnect|COBRA or access their website
- Claims Administrator BenefitConnect|COBRA
- Phone (Inside U.S.) 1-877-292-6272
- Phone (Outside U.S.) 1-858-314-5108
- Website https://cobra.ehr.com
- Claim Form BenefitConnect|COBRA only manages eligibility, enrollment and monthly premium payments for COBRA coverage. If you need help with a claim for health services or questions about what the health plan covers or does not cover, contact your health plan claims administrator directly.
- Address BenefitConnect COBRA | Dept:COBRA | PO Box 981915 | El Paso, TX 79998
plan documentation
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