
The following information and pictures are provided to help employees who are considering an assignment see what it is like to work and live in Duri Camp, located in the Riau Province of Sumatra, Indonesia.
Duri is on the island of Sumatra. The company has four primary work locations in Sumatra: Rumbai, Minas, Dumai and Duri. The climate is generally hot and humid, with average temperatures of 32 C or 86 F. There are only two seasons—rainy and dry, with the rainy season between September and April.
Transportation to Duri: The nearest international airport is located in Pekanbaru. After arriving in Pekanbaru from Jakarta, it takes about 30 minutes by car or van to Rumbai camp and then a three-hour bus ride to Duri.
Duri is on the island of Sumatra. The company has four primary work locations in Sumatra: Rumbai, Minas, Dumai and Duri. The climate is generally hot and humid, with average temperatures of 32 C or 86 F. There are only two seasons—rainy and dry, with the rainy season between September and April.
Transportation to Duri: The nearest international airport is located in Pekanbaru. After arriving in Pekanbaru from Jakarta, it takes about 30 minutes by car or van to Rumbai camp and then a three-hour bus ride to Duri.
work environment
Camp life is like living in a close-knit neighborhood. The camp is the center for work, socializing and children's schooling. There are residential homes for national and expatriate employees, as well as guest houses and temporary accommodations for short-term work assignments and business visitors.
Services available in camp to help manage daily needs include a commissary, post office, gas station, fire station and banks. Water and power are all company generated. Internet access is available through a service provider. Recreational facilities inside the camp include a swimming pool, gym, tennis courts, an 18-hole golf course, bowling alley, soccer fields, squash and basketball courts. In addition, there are mosques and churches with regular worship services.
Because Duri is some distance from Rumbai or Pekanbaru, many residents remain in camp and have found that the closeness of the camp community provides all they need including social and recreational activities, shopping, schools and clubs. There are more than 2,500 national and expatriate residents of Duri camp.
Some areas of Duri Camp are close to the jungle with foliage that provides a natural environment for wildlife. Monkeys, hornbills, squirrels, elephants and birds all live in the jungle and occasionally find their way into camp.
Services available in camp to help manage daily needs include a commissary, post office, gas station, fire station and banks. Water and power are all company generated. Internet access is available through a service provider. Recreational facilities inside the camp include a swimming pool, gym, tennis courts, an 18-hole golf course, bowling alley, soccer fields, squash and basketball courts. In addition, there are mosques and churches with regular worship services.
Because Duri is some distance from Rumbai or Pekanbaru, many residents remain in camp and have found that the closeness of the camp community provides all they need including social and recreational activities, shopping, schools and clubs. There are more than 2,500 national and expatriate residents of Duri camp.
Some areas of Duri Camp are close to the jungle with foliage that provides a natural environment for wildlife. Monkeys, hornbills, squirrels, elephants and birds all live in the jungle and occasionally find their way into camp.
Expatriates are encouraged to take pre-assignment trips to select housing. Housing arrangements in Chengdu are provided by the company rather than through a cash allowance. Consistent with Chevron expat policy, gardening and pool services are not provided by the company. Property leases will be reviewed by Chevron's legal department and signed by the company.
support services
Support services include a post office, ATMs, fire station, camp security, library and medical services.
There are several Indonesian schools and an American school in camp.
The Cendana School Foundation runs elementary, middle and high schools in Duri camp (from Pre-K through 12th grade) for the children of national employees. The schools are fully accredited at Level A, the highest accreditation given by the Indonesian Department of Education. Children participate in extracurricular activities such as scouting, band, various sports clubs and traditional dance. School bus service is available between camp homes and the school.
Residents with children in school (Pre-K through 8th Grade) are very impressed and enthusiastic about the International School of Riau. There are campuses in Rumbai and Duri. The International of School Riau is managed and operated by the International Schools Services (ISS) and has received accreditation from the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC).
Buses pick up the camp resident children at their homes, take them to school, then home for lunch, back to school and home again at the end of the school day. Some students prefer to walk or ride a bicycle to school.
The school sponsors homework club, family night, rock band, softball, swimming, soccer, scouts and visiting author nights. All students attend an Indo-cultural course to learn about Indonesian culture and study Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian language). There is an active Parent-Teacher Organization that coordinates boy scouts, cub scouts and girl scouts.
Buses pick up the camp resident children at their homes, take them to school, then home for lunch, back to school and home again at the end of the school day. Some students prefer to walk or ride a bicycle to school.
The school sponsors homework club, family night, rock band, softball, swimming, soccer, scouts and visiting author nights. All students attend an Indo-cultural course to learn about Indonesian culture and study Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian language). There is an active Parent-Teacher Organization that coordinates boy scouts, cub scouts and girl scouts.

view slideshows about duri so you can know what to expect in the following categories:
Health and Medical Services include a laboratory, radiology, pharmacy, physical therapy, surgical capabilities and a 24-hour emergency room. The in-patient facility has 25 beds including isolation rooms. Physicians are on site and available 24 hours a day.
The pharmacy located inside the clinic has a formulary list. Malaria prophylaxis is not required at this time in the Indonesian camps, but is made available for local travel in the region where prophylaxis may be advised. Because disease patterns can change, always check with local Health and Medical Services on malaria medications when planning travel in the tropics.
Seasonal smoke effects air quality in Duri during the dry season (July through September). The smoke, which originates from forest clearing, can become quite thick, limiting outdoor activities or affecting those with asthma or allergies. Chevron monitors air quality daily and the medical staff is well equipped to take care of related health issues. Air quality readings are posted on the IBU OE/HES website (intranet access only).
In extreme emergencies, employees or dependents may be flown to Jakarta or Singapore at company expense for medical treatment. A Patient Review Board comprising Company doctors reviews cases to determine where the nearest medical treatment can be obtained.
Employees buy their own cars, drive around camp and are responsible for purchasing car insurance. The company strongly advises expatriates not to drive themselves into town, so some hire a driver. The drivers know where to buy merchandise, such as fabric, or whatever is needed. Company pool cars are also made available for trips into the nearby village.
This section covers the availability of goods at the commissary in camp and shops in the nearby village.
The commissary carries a selection of food items such as cereal, frozen foods, canned and bottled goods as well as dairy products. Some residents will do all of their grocery shopping at the commissary. Others prefer to order online from Jakarta or use the Moslem market and other supermarkets in the nearby village. From time to time certain items will be difficult to obtain, even from Jakarta.
Vendors approach houses in camp selling fresh vegetables, fruits, fish, chicken and frozen meat. Residents can also contact these sellers to order fresh food to be delivered directly to their home.
Vendors approach houses in camp selling fresh vegetables, fruits, fish, chicken and frozen meat. Residents can also contact these sellers to order fresh food to be delivered directly to their home.
The company provides regular bus services between the Duri and Pekanbaru for shopping. (Downtown Pekanbaru is 20 minutes outside Rumbai camp.) The ride takes two-and-a-half to three hours. See the information about shopping in Pekanbaru in the Rumbai section of this website.
Medium and large sized clothes and shoes for adults may be hard to find and most expatriates prefer to bring clothing from home. Other items may also be ordered (either in person or online) from shops in Jakarta. Shopkeepers deliver the merchandise to the company airplane for transportation to Sumatra on a space-available basis.
Shoppers may have to look a little harder than they would at home for their favorite items, but they can find most of what they need.
Medium and large sized clothes and shoes for adults may be hard to find and most expatriates prefer to bring clothing from home. Other items may also be ordered (either in person or online) from shops in Jakarta. Shopkeepers deliver the merchandise to the company airplane for transportation to Sumatra on a space-available basis.
Shoppers may have to look a little harder than they would at home for their favorite items, but they can find most of what they need.
recreational activities and entertainment
This provides an overview of the entertainment possibilities both inside and outside camp.
The 18-hole Duri Golf Course has an active Monthly Medal, holds regular tournaments and frequently sponsors visiting professionals to give extended lessons at the driving range. In addition, some golfers visit the 18-hole Rumbai Golf Course. There are also two golf courses in Pekanbaru—the nine-hole Kuban and the 18-hole Saujana Labersa Golf Resort. The Saujana has a restaurant, pro-shop and 18-hole course.
There are four tennis courts located near the Duri Golf Course and numerous others spread throughout the housing complexes. There is an organized tennis league and residents also use the courts weekly for casual mixed doubles play. An eight-lane bowling alley is located in the camp.
Gelora, the camp gymnasium, houses squash, basketball and volleyball courts. In addition, the Gelora center offers aerobics and basic equipment for weight and cardiovascular training.
Softball games are a chance for residents to participate in competitive sports together.
Duri Hash House Harriers Club meets each Monday evening.
Several restaurants are available in the camp area, including the Bachelor Bar. Karaoke Bar, hotels and restaurants are also available in Simpang Padang for meals, swimming or karaoke. Simpang Padang is about a 15-minute drive from the Duri Camp.
In addition to the recreational facilities in camp, residents take advantage of the jungle environment to mountain bike. Riding through the jungle is great exercise with fabulous scenery. Local residents are very friendly when they see riders trekking through their backyards. It is best to either bring equipment or buy it in Jakarta or Singapore.
Also in Duri, residents coordinate a variety of other sports and activities for adults and children including motocross, motorcycle trips, quilting, card games, Spanish conversation and English conversation. Parents keep busy with baseball, basket ball, scouts and swimming.
The 18-hole Duri Golf Course has an active Monthly Medal, holds regular tournaments and frequently sponsors visiting professionals to give extended lessons at the driving range. In addition, some golfers visit the 18-hole Rumbai Golf Course. There are also two golf courses in Pekanbaru—the nine-hole Kuban and the 18-hole Saujana Labersa Golf Resort. The Saujana has a restaurant, pro-shop and 18-hole course.
There are four tennis courts located near the Duri Golf Course and numerous others spread throughout the housing complexes. There is an organized tennis league and residents also use the courts weekly for casual mixed doubles play. An eight-lane bowling alley is located in the camp.
Gelora, the camp gymnasium, houses squash, basketball and volleyball courts. In addition, the Gelora center offers aerobics and basic equipment for weight and cardiovascular training.
Softball games are a chance for residents to participate in competitive sports together.
Duri Hash House Harriers Club meets each Monday evening.
Several restaurants are available in the camp area, including the Bachelor Bar. Karaoke Bar, hotels and restaurants are also available in Simpang Padang for meals, swimming or karaoke. Simpang Padang is about a 15-minute drive from the Duri Camp.
In addition to the recreational facilities in camp, residents take advantage of the jungle environment to mountain bike. Riding through the jungle is great exercise with fabulous scenery. Local residents are very friendly when they see riders trekking through their backyards. It is best to either bring equipment or buy it in Jakarta or Singapore.
Also in Duri, residents coordinate a variety of other sports and activities for adults and children including motocross, motorcycle trips, quilting, card games, Spanish conversation and English conversation. Parents keep busy with baseball, basket ball, scouts and swimming.
summary of expatriate living
This section includes an overview of the Welcome Committee, pets, religion, household help and travel.
The official language is Bahasa Indonesia. However, most national employees and household help speak English. The company offers language classes and there are many opportunities to practice Bahasa Indonesia with drivers, household help and gardeners. In the shops most sales staff speak English. Those who don’t speak English will write out totals on paper or print a register receipt.
Duri residents recommend that newcomers bring toys and clothing in their excess baggage allowance because it may take up to three months to receive their relocation shipment. Include outdoor toys and sporting equipment such as cleats and pads. Brands of pet and child medications and bug spray may be different from those in your home country at home. Also, there is no need to bring gardening tools, brooms or utensils. Residents typically hire local help for gardening and cleaning and the house staff is more comfortable with the materials made in Indonesia.
Residents are extremely pleased with the quality of household help. People may think they don't want domestic help when they move to Indonesia with small children. However, once they are settled, they change their minds because they find they can do things socially because they have staff who can look after their children. Home help will also prepare food, shop, cook and clean so entertaining at home doesn't require a lot of work. Those without children may still want household help to shop, clean, walk the dogs and garden.
Indonesia can be very conservative, especially when it comes to dress. Long pants, long to medium length skirts and sleeved shirts and tee-shirts are seen as appropriate attire. This is not to say you cannot wear shorts or skirts, but there will be situations where they are unsuitable, especially for females. Try to wear unrevealing clothes at all times as a mark of respect to the country's predominantly conservative culture. Beach attire is tolerated around the resort areas in places like Bali but outside these regions bearing flesh is considered immodest.
Residents in this region take advantage of the many travel opportunities. Favorites include Southeast Asia such as Australia, New Zealand and many islands in Indonesia such as Bali and Lombok. All different types of travel are available, from eco-tourist to five-star hotels, and travel is affordable.
Employees have formed a strong community and come together to welcome new families. Although this is a small informal group, their activities are well-organized and focused on assisting new families join the camp community. They provide basic necessities and organize volunteers to prepare meals when a new family first arrives in camp.
Because Duri is a large camp, requests for repairs may take some time. Residents may want to consider bringing some basic tools for small repairs. In some instances, inconveniences such as slow Internet access, slow home repairs, temporary unavailability of products in markets, and isolation are adjustments expatriates and their families make over time. Overall, the benefits of good schools, an active social life, recreational facilities and home help outweigh these inconveniences.
There are ample opportunities to get involved with both the national and expatriate communities. For example, volunteer opportunities are available in the schools, orphanages, with the elephant camp project or on the Welcome Committee.