
ALNG is a stand-alone organization and is governed by its own policies and procedures.
The following pictures and information are provided to help employees who are considering an assignment in Soyo, Angola, to see what it is like to live and work there.
Currently the Soyo population is estimated to be more than 200,000. It has grown rapidly since the start of the Angola LNG project activities.
The official language of Soyo is Portuguese. Kisolongo is the local language, but French, English, Lingala and Kikongo ya leta are also spoken in the area.
Kwanza is the national currency and used in all transactions.
work environment
The office buildings have break rooms where coffee and tea are available. The break rooms also have microwaves and refrigerators. Resident employees are expected to bring in their own food or return home for meals (15- to 30-minute drive) or have lunch at the site cafeteria. Rotators would have access to the cafeteria three times a day for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
The dress code for the office is business casual attire.
Resident employees are assigned a fully furnished house by Angola LNG.
Electricity: Voltage in Soyo homes is 220 volts.
Telephone and Cable: ALNG supplies cable/satellite and phone service to expatriate homes.
Mobile Phones: In general, employees are not provided a mobile phone unless it's required for company business.
Internet: Expats are provided Internet service and a wireless LAN in the houses at no charge.
support services
The medical clinic at Bechtel Camp is open to all employees and resident family members who can meet with a clinic doctor free of charge. Clinic services such as X-rays, laboratory tests and prescriptions are provided at an additional cost. Specialty services such as cardiology and gynecology are not available at the clinic for now; however, clinic doctors can provide referrals for these services in Luanda.
The Kwanda Base Clinic is open during business hours (8 a.m. – 5 p.m.) Monday through Saturday. Doctors are on call outside business hours for emergencies.
Medical facilities available are sufficient for basic health and emergency care. Anyone with a serious illness or injury will be airlifted to Luanda or South Africa. Small children and dependents with serious medical issues are not permitted at the location since the medical facilities do not have secondary care and the airlift capabilities are limited to daylight hours only.
other health services
Expatriate employees must pay for dental services out of pocket and can seek reimbursement from Bupa.
Expatriates are encouraged to bring some prescription medications. Most prescriptions are not available in Soyo, or the supply may be limited.
Those traveling to Luanda on company or personal business can use the cashier's office, located on the ground floor of Chevron's Lenine building in Luanda, to cash personal checks and receive cash (in U.S. dollars).
It is strongly recommended to open an account and use wire transfer instead of cash withdrawals as the company may not be able to provide large amounts of U.S. dollars in cash due to unavailability and safety reasons.

Payment can be made in U.S. dollars in most stores; change will be provided in Kwanzas.
There is one major store in the area: Nosso Super. However, the variety and availability of goods is very limited.
There are two locally approved hotels: Hotel Kwanda in Kwanda Base and Hotel Nempanzu opposite the military houses. The Hotel Kwanda has a restaurant and a bar in the hotel. Hotel Nempanzu compares to western hotels and has three restaurants, conference rooms and more than 90 guest rooms. There is a Chinese hotel and restaurant next to Nosso grocery store.
The use of public transportation is prohibited.
recreational and entertainment
Recreation and entertainment in Soyo is mostly provided via informal gatherings of friends and neighbors. Opportunities in the greater Soyo area are limited, however below are a few options.
- King's Burial Ground: Expatriates need permission to visit the grounds.
- Port of Mpinda: Soyo's Port of Mpinda, located near the mouth of the Congo River on the south side, became an important port in sixteenth-century trade for the Kongo. A community of Portuguese settled in the Mpinda area and conducted a trade in slaves, ivory and copper from the Port of Mpinda.
- Ponta do Padrão: This is where the Portuguese first landed in Angola in 1482. There is no marine transportation available to visit the site.
- Beaches: There are several beaches in and around the Soyo area, including Sereia Beach, Quifuma Beach and Quifuquena Beach. Travel to these areas may require approval from the Angola LNG Security Team.
additional information
Several organizations have been developed to foster a better understanding of the needs in Angola and afford an opportunity to contribute to the local community.
- ADPP: Ajuda Desenvolvimento de Povo para Povo (ADPP) is a Danish organization and means Development Support of People to People. ADPP is supported by USAID and has been present in Angola for 24 years. They offer a teacher training skills program and a malaria awareness/prevention training program.
- Evangelical Mission of Quimpondo: The Evangelical Mission of Quimpondo is a Protestant Mission which has been present in Soyo since 1938. The Mission fosters the needs of the Quimpondo community through a community/maternity clinic, school and church.
- Kikudu Mission: Kikudu Catholic Mission has been in Soyo since 1990. The Mission fosters the needs of the Kikudu community through a community/maternity clinic, school and church.
- Mpinda Mission: The present day facility of Mpinda Catholic Mission has been in Soyo since 1936, though the original mission was established in 1491 with the arrival of the first missionaries. The Mission fosters the needs of the Mpinda community through a community/maternity clinic, school and church.
There are several Catholic and Protestant churches located in Soyo and the outlying community. Services are in Portuguese. The following is a list of some local churches:
- Catholic churches: Igreja Catolica na Cidade (Catholic Church in the City), Kikudu Mission Church and Mpinda Mission Church.
- Protestant churches: Evangelical Mission Church of Quimpondo and Paroquia do Nkugue Yengele.