VSP website

You are about to proceed to a third-party website managed by a third-party administrator for Chevron benefit plans and programs.

Access the VSP website if you need to manage:

  • Your Chevron Vision Plus Program coverage
  • Basic vision services under your Chevron Medical PPO, High Deductible Health Plan, or High Deductible Health Plan Basic
  • Basic vision services received in the U.S. under your Global Choice Plan

You can access the website from a Chevron computer, from your home computer, on your smart phone or tablet with Internet access enabled.

icon: sitting at a desk and working on a laptop with hot coffee

go to website opens in new window

Access the VSP website at vsp.com. Click the Login button to get started.

icon: smartphone

mobile app

VSP offers the VSP Vision Care mobile app from the Apple App Store or from Google Play.

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first time?

The first time you access the VSP website, you'll need to register. Provide your personal information as instructed on the registrations screens to get started.


chevron vision program

  • Eligibility  U.S. Payroll Employees, U.S. Payroll Expatriates, Expatriates in the U.S.
  • Enrollment  Enrollment is automatic when you enroll in the Medical PPO, HDHP, HDHP Basic or Global Choice Plans
  • Claims Administrator  VSP Vision Care (VSP) 
  • Group Number  30021085
  • Network name  VSP Choice
  • Phone (Inside U.S.) 1-800-877-7195 
  • Phone (Outside U.S.) 1-916-851-5000 (Press '0' for operator assistance)
  • Website  www.vsp.com
  • Mobile App   VSP Vision Care app from the Apple App Store or Google Play
  • Claim Form  Forms Library
  • Address  Vision Service Plan │ Attention: Claims Services │ P.O. Box 385018 │ Birmingham, AL 35238-5018

vision plus program

  • Plan Type  Vision benefit
  • Eligibility  U.S. Payroll Employees
  • Enrollment  Enroll on BenefitConnect or call the HR Service Center
  • Claims Administrator  VSP Vision Care (VSP) 
  • Group Number  30021085
  • Network name  VSP Choice
  • Phone (Inside U.S.) 1-800-877-7195 
  • Phone (Outside U.S.) 1-916-851-5000 (Press '0' for operator assistance)
  • Website  www.vsp.com
  • Mobile App   VSP Vision Care app from the Apple App Store or Google Play
  • Claim Form  Forms Library
  • Address  Vision Service Plan │ Attention: Claims Services │ P.O. Box 385018 │ Birmingham, AL 35238-5018