2nd.MD website

You are about to proceed to a third-party tool managed by a third-party administrator for Chevron benefit plans and programs.

If you are an employee eligible for the Health Decision Support Program access the 2nd.MD website or app to:

  • Contact a 2nd.MD Nurse to request a consultation.
  • Manage a second opinion consultation in progress. 

You can access the website from a Chevron computer, from your home computer, on your smart phone or tablet with Internet access enabled.

icon: smartphone

get the mobile app

You can also access the second opinion service by downloading the 2nd.MD app. Available on the Apple App Store or from Google Play.

icon: open envelope with an @ symbol on a sheet of paper inside

send an email

Alternatively, you can also send an email to 2nd.MD at Chevron@2nd.MD to request a consultation.


health decision support (second opinion service)

  • Plan Type  Second opinion service
  • Eligibility  U.S.-payroll employees enrolled in a Chevron medical plan
  • Enrollment  Coverage automatic, if eligible. To participate, register an online account or contact 2nd.MD directly.
  • Administrator  2nd.MD
  • Phone 1-866-818-7751 
  • Website  www.2nd.md/chevron
  • Mobile App   2nd.MD app on the Apple App Store or Google Play
  • Email  Chevron@2nd.MD