leaving chevron with severance
elect career transition support
for global offshore payroll employees
step 1
make sure you are eligible
- Are you a current or former global offshore payroll employee? If not, return here to find the program registration that applies to you.
- Have you received your formal left standing notification from Human Resources? The earliest you may register to start using services is the day you receive your left standing notification. In addition, your notification letter will indicate the career transition services available to you under your severance program.
- Has the deadline to register expired? The deadline to register to start using services is within 30 days of your termination of employment date.
- If you have questions about the selection and left standing notification process, refer to the Enterprise HR Selections and Resource Center for FAQs and other information. (Intranet only.)
step 2
understand your choices
Refer to your left standing notification letter to verify the career transition support services available to you under your severance program. This election page is for severance programs that include access to the following optional career transition support services:
- LinkedIn Premium Career: Available to everyone who leaves Chevron with severance, a LinkedIn Premium Career 12-month subscription is provided to help you with your job search.
- Your choice of transition support programs: You can choose one of the two available transition support programs, BetterUp Transitional Coaching or Right Management Outplacement Service.
step 3
elect your services
Participation is voluntary.
You can participate in all available options, just one or none.
The choice is yours.